Hillary ,lars.
Well i dont think you understand the total chock how have came tomany JW in sweden.
Even if it later showupp that media was littel unfair in some aspects, as you now they are not always fare,
I think this program was to much fore many.
To first the evening before the program read upp a letter that ,IF THE LAW SAY SO, we go to the police, evryone think wellt then we go to the police, BUT IN SWEDEN THE LAW DONT SAY SO,and that they dont say, and in the Tv prgram the wictim have playd in the comitemeting in secret, and they say to the boy we have seen you smoking, twice, and he say i feel very bad beaucause what happend to mee when i was raped and, it is very difficult fore mee to listen to the man how raped mee from the podium.
and when the qestion come upp why they dont tell him to go to the police, they say we cant do that it is not under our power, it is upp to you, this dubbel talk was totaly dissater fore us.
And to hilary and lars, many peopel have very good life as JWs, they have a hope, they live a fair life, thay heave laws they follow how help themin life, they have an unik brotherhoood all over the word, they are nota part of the mess the war and diffrent fighting about evrything in the word.
This pedofile thing fore exampel is in evry religion even a preist haw was on a debbat after the program say we are no betterm we als hide this, so i can not find a better place fore mee dispite this problem.
I also now from some info tht we have powers inside how try to dett ride of the bad inkluense how seems to get i on the GB,perhaps this media attention can help,look on the program and check the terribel welcome the journalist have in brooklyn ,UNBELEVEBEL